Thursday, August 28, 2008

Type Convention

My Attempt to Draw Caricatures

I was having such a hard time drawing an Obama caricature, so I got one from online (

...then I redrew it in my sketchbook, to get a feel for exaggerated features, etc....

...then I traced over it using letters.

In the end, the exercise was somewhat successful because I finally came up with a couple caricatures that look like Obama.

I did not have as much difficulty when drawing McCain's caricature. It came right out. 

I never realized how much he really does look like Jim Carrey in Dr. Suess' How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

(Pictures from &

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pimp My Portfolio

Where were they during application to major?!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Self Portrait & Timeline

When clicking on the image to enlarge it, the type is still difficult to read, so here it is:

Joseph Buckel

Illustrativum Enthusiasticus

Twenty One Years

Born in Syracuse, NY. Educated in Princeton, NJ & Alpharetta, Statesboro, and Atlanta, GA. Love to travel as much as possible, even small distances can be an experience! My design is a developing style. At this point in my design career, I am continuously trying new things with photography, drawing, and any other elements of fine art. The need to try new things keeps me from getting bored in my work and serves as inspiration to create. Knowing that I can achieve anything I put my mind to keeps me going as well. I inspire myself by comparing my former self doubt with my new found confidence in my artistic abilities. I look forward to see what comes out next...

When asked to pick a major during my freshman year of college in 2004, I hesitated. Was I supposed to know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life at age 17? As a fifth year college student, I have tasted many different majors, and none have tasted as sweet as Graphic Design. From anthropology to early childhood education, I would always loose myself in a sketch during lectures. When I sat down to study for a written test one day, I was looking at my notes and realized what they really were, compositions of text and imagery. Creating these compositions during lectures was the key factor in keeping me awake and semi-interested in what the professor was saying; this was no way to go through college. Graphic Design allows me to go through college doing what I like to do while learning more about what really interests and challenges me as a person.

As challenging as Graphic Design has proven to be, my projects always come together in the end with the help of computers and critiques. Since I was a child, I have always excelled in computer applications. Learning the programs of Adobe Creative Suite 3 has allowed me to apply fine art skills and compositional sense to numerous projects. I look forward to the even higher quality of work I will be able to produce during exploration of other programs. I also look forward to exploring these programs with the design team at Georgia State. My professors, peers, and myself (the design team) have gotten me to where I am today as a designer. Staying part of a team is crucial to an individuals development of style and skills as a graphic designer.

I believe that a huge part of achieving success is to learn from and share with others, never hesitate. Another important aspect to the design process in to know your subject. I believe that one must experience the project foregoing it’s completion.

As a developing designer, it is difficult to point out characteristics from the finished product that identify work as my own. It is, however, easy to pick out distinctive markings which form my creation process.  The physical research I do allows me to create an applicable final product for the client or project. For instance, when I was rebranding Skate Escape, I went skating, got bike service, etc. I like to get as involved as I can with the endeavor.

My most productive days are spent at my bedroom desk with plenty of water, good food breaks, and the sounds of (radio out of the Netherlands)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I have a new brother!

I bought myself a new scanner/fax/copier today so I can scan in the comfort of my own home, with my new brother! Also, I took the picture with my new digital camera/camcorder.

Positive: My toolbox is getting full
Negative: So is my credit limit

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Re to the Source


I am eager to learn the ins and outs of photoshop and flash this semester. If you are in the same boat, here are some good tutorials to learn about many photoshop effects. Have fun!

Friday, August 22, 2008

5 Inspirational Graphic Designers

Bobby Velon - Atlanta, GA

willing & eager to improve his talent
unique conceptual design
willing to share and teach hopeful/developing designers


David Carson

able to achieve organized chaos through design
successful businessman


Applicants & Members of GA State Graphic Design Program

I know what it took just to apply to this program. I have much respect for all who applied and am very happy to be a part of the program. The fact that so many people work so hard developing, creating, and organizing their designs is inspirational to me, definitely something I want to be a part of.


Jessica Reiling - Savannah, GA

willing to share inspiration and design talent with others
successful web designer @ one of the, if not the, top design companies in Savannah


Sabatino Andreoni

owner of a high quality printing press
caters to clients needs, cooperative, and reasonably prices his services
successful and kind business man
very cool designs - ask me to show you his sample book, its very inspirational!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Self Portrait Background

I spent some time sketching and came up with some cool scrolls that I could use for my background. I'm so design trendy...