Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pictures added to Borchure

I had to swap out the student center logo with the Division of Student Affairs logo. This hurt the design because it was smaller. To fix that issue, I added type, ..."welcomes you to GSU". That caused a problem to though, all the the type on the front was blue, and it bleneded together. There was no hierarchy or separation at all. So to fix that, "Your Spot for All Access" is now green.

I added pictures to the inside, and tweaked the text so it would fit well inside straight edges. The block look lends itself well to brochures. I already notice some rivers, so I will have to fine tune some more. Hyphenation is not allowed per management...

Is it okay that there is negative space next to the negative space on the top left?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Student*University Center Brochure

For Incept, which has already started :/, I'm making  a brochure highlighting the main functions of the Student Center. I kept it lively with a bright color palette and repetition of spots. I also am planning a die cut, playing off the shape of GSU's infamous flame. On the inside panel, you'll notice a light-blue, dashed-line; this line represents what will be revealed through the die cut on the the front panel. I think this side is pretty much complete, maybe minor revisions, tweaks. One tweak being the copy, "You spot for all access" I don't know if all access flows very well... Your spot for.....??


The next side, the inside, is just waiting on pictures. Once I put the pictures in, the type layout will probably change. As you can see, the spots stay consistent to keep it lively and fun, but the background color shifts to a pal green for a bit of contrast.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Man Down, Man Down!

We submitted the flyer to the head design honchos, and suffered a major casualty. We lost an entire side of the flyer. No that we're down to one side, this is what I came up with.

It still gets the message across, but I will miss the sea lions for sure.

Final Campus Event Logo

Similar to an existing GSU logo, Pounce's new smile and thumbs up, along with a couple heavy strokes to add depth to the circle, create an energetic mark. With this official seal, Pounce gives a new attitude to Campus Events; a fun, clean, cool, happy image. The university color palette lends itself well to this mark, giving it even more of an official attitude.

GSU Night at the Aquarium : Save the Date Card

GSU is having their second "GSU Night at the Georgia Aquarium" in the fall, and they want to make a 'save the date card' to hand out at Incept.  With images made public from the aquarium, below is what i came up with. 



I wanted to stay playful and fun with this because it is an event that is supposed to be fun, duh. So, I placed the type in a way that interacts with the animals in an energetic way.