Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lab Fees to CS4?

Does the university automatically upgrade to the latest versions of software? if not, maybe we can push them to buy CS4 by putting our lab fees towards the upgrade purchase. Although CS4 is not out yet, it will be here soon since they are announcing it and giving details about all the new features; like Illustrator's multiple art boards, Photoshop's object painting, or Flash's motion presets.

Check it out for yourself to see many more new features for all the programs.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Don't cry over spilled milk...

...create letters from it! Here's a little preview of what I'm working on as an illustrative alphabet. This is the one time you don't have to use a coaster.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mark Jenkins' Scotch Tape Art

This is good stuff, please note, not my photographs, check out the website below for more.

Designer's Block?

Find random inspiration

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lade Logos

I was given two random words from a pile, "radial" and "outgoing/social." I then created sketches from those words.

After the sketches were complete, I was given a few more parameters:

USE COLOR:    PMS 416 + one compliment
USE COPY:       Lade

With that, I began creating logos.

This is what I came up with so far

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1st Round of Photos

I was cleaning up after trimming my presidential type portraits, when I realized that as I was moving the scraps of paper around, I was creating letter forms, so I went to it.

With some editing, I think this could turn into a neat little typeface. We'll see where I can take it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dr Seuss for President Art Exhibition

Michelle sent this to me, thought it was interesting. I am definitely going to attend considering the political project I am working on now.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Which Way to Go? Now I Know!

After talking with Mike and Zach, and looking back at the comparison I made between McCain and The Grinch, I finally got my idea and ran with it. Take a look at the sketches below, and you will have a good idea as to where the final pieces will end up.

Shout-out to Seuss!

First, I learned how to draw Cat in the Hat

Then I perfected my Obama caricature by taking different elements from numerous sketches

Then I traced over with typography.

Finally, I put my existing McCain caricature onto the grinch body.

Up next is putting it all into he computer and trying my best to achieve a successful spin on Dr, Suess' books for a political statement. Graphic Design is so fun.