Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Student*University Center Brochure

For Incept, which has already started :/, I'm making  a brochure highlighting the main functions of the Student Center. I kept it lively with a bright color palette and repetition of spots. I also am planning a die cut, playing off the shape of GSU's infamous flame. On the inside panel, you'll notice a light-blue, dashed-line; this line represents what will be revealed through the die cut on the the front panel. I think this side is pretty much complete, maybe minor revisions, tweaks. One tweak being the copy, "You spot for all access" I don't know if all access flows very well... Your spot for.....??


The next side, the inside, is just waiting on pictures. Once I put the pictures in, the type layout will probably change. As you can see, the spots stay consistent to keep it lively and fun, but the background color shifts to a pal green for a bit of contrast.


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