Monday, April 26, 2010

AIGA Big Night - Seniors, come!

Great food, Beer and Wine, Door prizes, and samples from our sponsor companies, one low price for one big night.

Click here for more info on Big Night 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Matisse Said

Below is my spread for our collaborative book project.

The man has abundant amounts of creative energy that guide him through life, closer and closer to his dream of sharing it with the world . With a sturdy platform of technical skills, he begins to release that energy into the rest of the creative world in a competitive, yet nervous fashion.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Heads-Up Records, not Chuck Loeb's Label

Check out the album covers I found when I was searching for the Heads Up logo for Chuck's CD.

Chuck Loeb Resource, Heads Up Records

Lizzy Loeb Schematics

Now comes the best part, mocking it up! Hopefully my craft skills don't hurt me again. My design skills seem to become less important when I produce mockups because of my poor craft. I need more sturdy hands, maybe I have restless hand syndrome.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Creative Outdoor Advertising

HOA Outdoor Signage Brief

Metro-Atlantans, with primary focus on inner-city Atlantans, voluntarily improving the environmental and educational quality of their community.


Introduce the tag and steer viewers to the web site by placing the web address and logo mark in high traffic pedestrian areas. The letters and logo mark will be so large scale that they will be able to be crawled through, sat on, and leaned on. Next to the interactive imagery will be a stand with postcards that people can take with them. The postcards will give general information regarding the organization with contact and volunteer information.

The viewer should interact with the signs and remember their experience, the message, and be intrigued to go to the site.

Signage: Non-toxic, weatherproof plastic dug into the ground with steel rods
Postcard: Semi-gloss card stock

HEART: 8’x7’
MAKE: 16’ wide x 4.5’ at highest point
SOMETHING: 32’ wide x 5’ highest point
BETTER: 26’ wide x 4.5’ highest point

Piedmont Park facing 10th St across from Argonne St.
Centennial Olympic Park facing Centennial Olympic Park Dr across from Nassau St.
Lenox Mall Ground Plaza (words stacked)

Proposal to city/apply for grant.

Hands On Atlanta Ad Signage Render

Another version of the same idea

Maybe this needs to be contained a bit, because although Lizzy's personality is free and outgoing, energetic, fun-loving, etc, her music is a bit softer. She did say she wanted to become more "poppy" though. This design is an attempt to portray that vivacious personality while trying not to lead the consumer to think that the music will be fast and loud. Am I over thinking this?

A little bigger

LL Idea 2, thoughts?

I was inspired by her love for the music of the 60s-70s music and her sense of playfulness and livelihood.